Meet Zahara Ahmed, a 27-year-old dedicated advocate for gender equality who embarked on her journey by championing against gender-based violence in her community. Driven by her passion, Zahara immersed herself in understanding policies, laws, and societal norms that either hinder or promote gender equality. Over the past two and a half years, she witnessed the transformative impact of the NAGAAD Network’s initiatives in Mogadishu, sparking her interest in joining the ‘We Cannot Wait’ women’s coalition. She describes it as an inspiring experience witnessing the groundwork laid by Women’s Rights Organizations in lobbying and advocating for change for Somali women.
Zahara’s journey has been enriched by opportunities to broaden her network through travel and participation in events such as the Gender Islam training in Ethiopia and the WCW Regional Gender Forum in Uganda. These experiences have not only enabled her to connect with women from diverse backgrounds but also provided a platform for sharing invaluable experiences.
As a member of the NAGAAD Network, Zahara has engaged with various stakeholders, including political leaders, media houses, and women and youth leaders. These interactions have profoundly influenced her perspective and contributed to her role in serving her community.
Additionally, through participation in training organized by We Cannot Wait women’s rights-based affiliated organizations, Zahara has gained skills in gender budgeting, women’s rights advocacy, and public campaigning. The latter, in particular, has been instrumental in shifting her mindset and enhancing her capacity to serve her clients and community effectively.
She expresses gratitude to the We Cannot Wait project, through the NAGAAD Network, for providing a platform for women to meaningfully engage in political and social issues, and speak with one voice to address gender disparities in Somalia.